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5 Things You Should Do AFTER Getting the COVID Vaccine

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

More and more people are getting the COVID vaccine each day. This is wonderful because the COVID vaccine is one of the most important tools to get us out of the COVID Pandemic. If you haven't received your COVID vaccine yet, take a peek at this video to help you get prepared. Once you've received your COVID vaccine, here are things you should do:

1) Understand You May Have Side Effects

Side effects after the COVID vaccine are relatively common and they are a sign that your immune system is working! Make sure you're aware of side effects that may occur after your vaccine so you're not alarmed. (Don't worry if you don't have side effects, though). Make sure to ask your doctor about any side effects that you are concerned about. Watch the video below to learn more about COVID vaccine side effects:

2) Register for V-Safe:

V Safe is a program of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This program is very important because it allows vaccine recipients to register and log any side effects or symptoms they have AFTER getting the vaccine. This helps the CDC track side effects/symptoms which is important for safety and research purposes. V Safe can also remind you about your 2nd vaccine is. Register for V Safe here.

3) Share Your Vaccination Story With Others

Sharing your vaccination story with others is important because it will encourage others and show your commitment to helping keep the world safe through COVID vaccination. You never know whom you might encourage by sharing your story- so share widely and freely. Join the Facebook group, I Got the COVID Vaccine, to share your story!

4) Continue to Follow Guidelines

Even though you've received the COVID vaccine, it is still important that you mask up, social distance, and maintain good hygiene practices. Keep up the good work!

5) Breathe a Sigh of Relief

Yes, you can take a deep breath. You have received the COVID vaccine and your chances of becoming significantly ill or dying from COVID are substantially less than before. This is truly something to celebrate, so give yourself a pat on the back. This is AMAZING!!

Remember, TOGETHER, we can beat COVID. Please get your vaccine as soon as possible and stay safe!

- Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen Caudle is a Family Doctor & Associate Professor at Rowan University, an On-air health expert, and a video creator. Please sign up for her free newsletter and follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for daily health videos. Purchase her comfy and stylish COVID vaccine shirts (and donate to the Red Cross by doing so) here.

7 comentarios

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Thanks for your sharing! It's very important! I will join Among Us

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After getting the COVID vaccine, your risk of serious illness or death from the virus is much lower than it was previously. You should be proud of yourself since this is definitely worth celebrating. basketball legends

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23 jul

After getting your COVID vaccine, assisted living home expect potential side effects like soreness, fatigue, or headache. Register for V-Safe to report any reactions and help track vaccine safety. Share your vaccination story to encourage others. Continue following COVID-19 precautions, and if eligible, get your second dose for maximum protection.

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